Menu Start page
Start section:
It is a Restaurant welcome page.
Admin can customize the start page of the restaurant in the design section. Admin can customize title, about, menu button and logo.
Steps To customize the Restaurant title:
Click start section in the will display start page
Click on the edit icon near the restaurant title
Able to see edit area in right side
Here admin can edit title, can change the font style and color in advance setting.Even admin can upload image for start page.
click save.
Steps To customize the Restaurant About:
Click on the edit icon near the description.
Able to see the edit area on the right side.
Here admin can Hide the about by disabling the button.
Admin needs to enable the button to add the about.
Add the description in the About field and can choose the color and style of the font in advance setting.
click save
Steps To customize the Restaurant Menu button:
click on the edit icon near the Menu.
Able to see the edit area on the right side.
Here admin can change the Title of the button and customize the font size , font color, button border and background color of button.
click save
Steps To customize the Restaurant logo:
Click on the edit icon near the Menura logo.
Able to see the edit area on the right side.
Here admin can Hide the logo by disabling the button.
Here the admin can show the logo by enabling the button.
Last updated